The next qualifying exams will be held as follows

  • ALGEBRA:  Monday August 12, 2024, 2:00pm-6:00pm (110 Math Science Building)
  • ANALYSIS:  Wednesday August 14, 2024, 12:00pm-4:00pm (110 Math Science Building)

If you wish to take the exams, sign up with Gwen Gilpin

  • Please bring your student ID with you when taking the exam(s).
  • NO calculators are allowed for the duration of these exams.
  • Snacks may be brought to the exam.   

Qualifying Exam Committee: Carlo Morpurgo (Chair), Dale CutkoskyDan EdidinLoukas Grafakos, Petros Valettas, Hema Srinivasan, Dana Weston, and Calin Chindris.

In the academic year 2023-2024, Carlo Morpurgo taught the Analysis courses (Math 8420-8421), while Dana Weston taught the Algebra courses (Math 8410-8411).

Advice: You are encouraged to contact the examiners above for additional guidance in preparing for the Qualifying Examinations. You are encouraged, also, to seek help from this group concerning questions that may arise in your attempts to solve problems on past examinations as part of your review process.