The degree requirements include the satisfactory completion of 30 hours of approved course work, of which at least 18 hours must be at the 8000 level. Math 8420 and 8410 are required, as is either Math 8190 (Masters Project) or Math 8090 (Masters Thesis). Students are expected to make up any required deficiencies in their undergraduate training in advanced calculus and abstract algebra. Students may not list the courses 7100, 7110, 7140 nor 7510. The successful completion of a Master's Project (Math 8190) or Master's Thesis (Math 8090) must be certified by a Master's Committee consisting of three members of the Mathematics regular faculty.
The following table suggests an order in which to take courses.

Some courses are not offered every semester. Below is a list of which semesters core course are available.
Fall | Spring | Fall | Spring |
Harmonic Analysis I 8630 |
Harmonic Analysis II 8631 |
Harmonic Analysis I 8630 |
Harmonic Analysis II 8631 |
PDE I 8445 |
Theory of Distributions 8302.1 |
PDE I 8445 |
PDE II 8446 |
ODE 8440 |
Probability 8480 |
ODE 8440 |
Probability 8480 |
Algebraic Number Theory 8521 |
Differential Geometry 8650 |
Analytic Number Theory 8520 |
Algebraic Topology 8618 |
Commutative Algebra I 8510 |
Commutative Algebra II 8511 |
Algebraic Geometry I 8615 |
Algebraic Geometry II 8616 |
Functional Analysis 8628 |
Mathematical Physics 8402.1 |