The Mathematics Department holds regular seminars on a variety of topics. Please see below for further details.
Seminar | Meeting Details | Title & Abstract |
Data Seminar | Density estimation for Gaussian mixture models Density estimation for Gaussian mixture models is a classical problem in statistics that has applications in a variety of disciplines. Two solution techniques are commonly used for this problem: the method of moments and maximum likelihood estimation. This talk will discuss both methods by focusing on the underlying geometry of each problem.
Full seminar calendar: Speaker: Julia Lindberg |
Pre-print Algebra Seminar | The epsilon multiplicity continued Part 2 of Stephen’s talk. Speaker: Stephen Landsittel |
Data Seminar | Generic orbit recovery from invariants of very low degree Motivated by the multi-reference alignment (MRA) problem and questions in equivariant neural networks we study the problem of recovering the generic orbit in a representation of a finite group from invariant polynomials of degree at most 3. We prove that in many cases of interest these low degree invariants are sufficient to recover the orbit of a generic vector.
Semester seminar calendar: Speaker: Josh Katz |
Pre-print Algebra Seminar | The History of Asymptotic Multiplicities and the Epsilon Multiplicity We define the basic machinery of multiplicities and graded families and state some recent theorems on multiplicities (which we will finish proving in part 2). Speaker: Stephen Landsittel |
Algebra Seminar | Epsilon Multiplicity is a Limit of Amao Multiplicities In a 2014 paper, Cutkosky proved a volume equals multiplicity formula for the multiplicity of an m_R-primary ideal. We will discuss a generalization of this result to the epsilon multiplicity. Speaker: Stephen Landsittel, MU |
Differential Equations Seminar | Workspace management for robotics The problem is to limit the motion of a robot so that if it is commanded to work outside of its workspace, then the robot experiences a graceful degradation of performance depending upon the extent of the workspace violation. This is demonstrated with Stewart tables, which provide six degrees of freedom. This research is used by NASA in creating a simulator for a lunar terrain vehicle. This is real applied mathematics, showcasing ODEs, the Lie group SE(3), and its Lie algebra se(3). Speaker: Stephen Montgomery-Smith (MU) |
Algebra Seminar | Topics in Ramification Theory I will give an overview on results about the higher ramification theory of finite Galois extensions, mainly, but not only, those of prime degree, for arbitrary valuations. I willtalk about ramification groups, ramification ideals, ramification jumps, norms and traces of these ideals, Kähler differentials and their annihilators, and Dedekind differents. Several of these objects are used for the classification of defects of Galois defect extensions of prime degree. This in turn is used to prove results about the class of deeply ramified fields, which also contains the perfectoid fields.
Speaker: Franz Viktor Kuhlmann, University of Szczecin |
Analysis Seminar | Quiver Brascamp–Lieb inequalities The Brascamp–Lieb inequalities are an important family of inequalities in analysis that subsumes several inequalities significant in their own right, including Hölder’s inequality, Young’s inequality, and the Loomis–Whitney inequality. Several variants and extensions of these inequalities have been developed, some of which have proved to be very useful in contemporary harmonic analysis. In this talk, we will discuss the formulation of generalized Brascamp–Lieb inequalities for algebraic objects known as quivers, building on the recent work of Chindris and Derksen on the representation theory of quivers. No prior knowledge of Brascamp–Lieb inequalities or quivers will be assumed. Speaker: Nicholas Hu |
Analysis Seminar | How often centroids of sections coincide with centroid of a convex body? In 1961, Grunbaum asked whether the centroid $c(K)$ of a convex body $K$ is the centroid of at least $n + 1$ different $(n − 1)$-dimensional sections of $K$ through $c(K)$. A few years later, Loewner asked to find the minimum number of hyperplane sections of $K$ passing through $c(K)$ whose centroid is the same as $c(K)$. We give an answer to these questions for $n \geq 5$. In particular, we construct a convex body which has only one section whose centroid coincides with the centroid of the body. Joint work with S. Myroshnychenko and V. Yaskin. Speaker: Kateryna Tatarko (University of Waterloo) |
Analysis Seminar | An extremal position for log-concave functions An origin-symmetric convex body $K$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ is said to be in the John position if the maximal volume ellipsoid contained in it is the Euclidean ball. One of the most celebrated theorems in geometric functional analysis is John's theorem, which says that if a convex body $K$ is in John position, then there are a collection of points $u_1,\dots u_m \in S^{n-1} \cap \partial K$ and positive scalars $c_1,\dots, c_m$ for which $I_n = \sum_{j=1}^m c_j u_j \otimes u_j$, where $I_n$ is the identity operator in $\mathbb{R}^n$. This theorem has numerous consequences such as an estimate for the Banach-Mazur distance to Euclidean space and the reverse isoperimetric inequality due to Ball. Recently, much attention has been given to translating notions from convex geometry and geometric functional analysis to the world of log-concave functions. In particular, over the last 10 years, extensions of these celebrated theorems (in some forms) have been translated to the world of log-concave functions. In this talk, we focus on a complementary set of positions, called "maximal-intersection positions," originally introduced by Artstein-Avidan and Katzin in 2016. This collection of position includes the John (and its dual the Lowner position) as particular cases. The extension of this notion to the world of functions is seen through the following extremal problem for the convolution of a pair of functions: given a pair of integrable log-concave functions $f$ and $g$, find $\sup_{(T,b) \in SL_n(\mathbb{R}) \times \mathbb{R^n}} \int f(x) g(T^{-1}x-T^{-1}b)dx.$ This is based on a joint work with Steven Hoehner. Speaker: Michael Roysdon (Case Western) |