The Mathematics Department holds regular seminars on a variety of topics. Please see below for further details.


Seminar Meeting Details Title & Abstract
Differential Equations Seminar
MSB 111
New results on global bifurcation of traveling periodic water waves

While the research on water waves modeled by Euler's equations has a long history, mainly in the last two decades traveling periodic rotational waves have been constructed rigorously by means of bifurcation theorems. After introducing the problem, I will present a new reformulation in two dimensions in the pure-gravity case, where the problem is equivalently cast into the form “identity plus compact”, which is amenable to Rabinowitz's global bifurcation theorem. The main advantages (and the novelty) of this new reformulation are that no simplifying restrictions on the geometry of the surface profile and no simplifying assumptions on the vorticity distribution (and thus no assumptions regarding the absence of stagnation points or critical layers) have to be made. Within the scope of this new formulation, global families of solutions, bifurcating from laminar flows with a flat surface, are constructed. Moreover, I will discuss the possible alternatives for the global set of solutions, as well as their nodal properties. This is joint work with Erik Wahlén.

Speaker: Jörg Weber (Lund University)
Astro/Relativity Seminar
Astro/Relativity Seminars

Tuesday 1-2 PM,  Zoom. 

Please see the schedule here.

Pre-print Algebra Seminar
Strickland 117
Asymptotic multiplicities of graded families of ideals and linear series, Part II
Speaker: Stephen Landsittel
Differential Equations Seminar
MSB 110
Anti-plane shear equilibria in the large

In this talk, we discuss anti-plane shear deformations on a semi-infinite slab with a non-linear mixed traction displacement boundary condition. We apply global bifurcation theoretic methods and deduce extreme behavior at the terminal end solution curves. It is shown that arbitrarily large strains are encountered for a class of idealized materials. We also consider degenerate materials, prove that ellipticity breaks down, and show that a concurrent blow-up in the second derivative occurs.

Speaker: Thomas Hogancamp (University of Missouri)
Pre-print Algebra Seminar
Strickland 117
Asymptotic multiplicities of graded families of ideals and linear series, by Cutkosky (Part I)
Speaker: Stephen Landsittel
Algebra Seminar
MSB 110
Analytic spread and symbolic analytic spread

The analytic spread of a module M is the minimal number of generators of a submodule that has the same integral closure as M. In this talk, we will present a result that expresses the analytic spread of a decomposable module in terms of the analytic spread of its component ideals. In the second part of the talk, we will show an upper bound for the symbolic analytic spread of ideals of small dimension. The latter notion is the analogue of analytic spread for symbolic powers. These results are joint work with Carles Bivià-Ausina and Hailong Dao, respectively.

Speaker: Jonathan Montaño (New Mexico State University)
Differential Equations Seminar
MSB 110
Padé approximants to time series: Some techniques and applications

The G-transform to a data series is the extension of the Fourier transform from the unit circle to the entire complex plane.I shall introduce the Padé approximant to the G-transform and discuss some of its properties as regard its poles, zeros, and the residues. In particular, I’ll show examples of superresolution with respect to the Nyquist limit, numerical evidence of universality for the behavior of poles and zeros associated with noise and how the presence of signals alters that behavior. I’ll conclude showing a couple of applications. In particular, work in progress on brain waves.

Speaker: Luca Perotti (Texas Southern University)
Pre-print Algebra Seminar
Strickland 117
Strong and weak F-regularity are equivalent for graded rings, Part III
Speaker: Rankeya Datta
Algebra Seminar
MSB 110
Generic local duality and purity exponents

Let \(R\) be a Noetherian ring, \(P\) be a prime ideal of \(R\) such that \(R_P\) is Cohen-Macaulay of dimension \(h\), \(\omega\) be a finitely generated \(R\)-module such that \(\omega_P\) is a canonical module for \(R_P\), and \(W\) be a subset of \(R\) that naturally maps onto the set of nonzero elements of \(R/P\). We show that for every finitely generated $R$-module $M$, there exists \(g \in W\) such that \(H_P^j(M)_g \cong Hom(Ext_R^{h-j}(M, \omega), H_P^h(\omega))_g\), which gives the well-known local duality when we localize at \(P\). Moreover, each \(H_P^j(M)_g\) has an ascending filtration such that all the factors are free over \(R/P\). We use this result to study the purity exponents in Noetherian rings of prime characteristic \(p\). In the case where \(R\) is excellent Cohen-Macaulay (this assumption can be weakened), we establish an upper semicontinuity result for the purity exponent considered as a function on the spectrum of \(R\). This result enables us to prove that excellent strongly F-regular rings are very strongly F-regular (also called F-pure regular). Another consequence is that the F-pure locus is open in an excellent Cohen-Macaulay ring. This is joint work with Mel Hochster.

Speaker: Yongwei Yao (Georgia State University)
Algebra Seminar
MSB 110
Generic local duality and purity exponents

Let \(R\) be a Noetherian ring, \(P\) be a prime ideal of \(R\) such that \(R_P\) is Cohen-Macaulay of dimension \(h\), \(\omega\) be a finitely generated \(R\)-module such that \(\omega_P\) is a canonical module for \(R_P\), and \(W\) be a subset of \(R\) that naturally maps onto the set of nonzero elements of \(R/P\). We show that for every finitely generated $R$-module $M$, there exists \(g \in W\) such that \(H_P^j(M)_g \cong Hom(Ext_R^{h-j}(M, \omega), H_P^h(\omega))_g\), which gives the well-known local duality when we localize at \(P\). Moreover, each \(H_P^j(M)_g\) has an ascending filtration such that all the factors are free over \(R/P\). We use this result to study the purity exponents in Noetherian rings of prime characteristic \(p\). In the case where \(R\) is excellent Cohen-Macaulay (this assumption can be weakened), we establish an upper semicontinuity result for the purity exponent considered as a function on the spectrum of \(R\). This result enables us to prove that excellent strongly F-regular rings are very strongly F-regular (also called F-pure regular). Another consequence is that the F-pure locus is open in an excellent Cohen-Macaulay ring. This is joint work with Mel Hochster.

Speaker: Yongwei Yao (Georgia State University)