Justin Dewick:The hyperboloid model of non-Euclidean geometry (Peter Pivovarov)
Tim Leafblad: Scalable Frames: A Convex-Geometric Perspective (Stephen Montgomery-Smith)
Pyam Oveys:Subgraphs of Hypercubes and The Sensitivity Theorem (Petros Valettas)
Lukeus Perez: A Result of The Schwarzschild Solution to Einstein’s Field Equations (Adam Helfer)
Srishti Singh: Deviation and type of a class of numerical semigroups which fit into Wilf’s conjecture (Hema Srinivasan)
Fall 2021
Truman Thames:A theory of neural computation (Stamatis Dostoglou)
Fall 2020
Duc Nguyen:Predict default of credit card clients with simple models (Allanus Tsoi)
Danierian Williams:Stability of Option Pricing Using Finite Differences Models (Steve Goldschmidt)
Summer 2020
Zimin Miao:Cointegration Analysis on Hemispheric Temperature Relation with Radiative Forcing (Stephen Montgomery-Smith)
Spring 2020
Garrett Ebbers:The Linear Quadratic Regulator Problem (Stephen Montgomery-Smith)
Matthew Peek:An Application of Cubic Splines to Evaluate Helicity (Jan Segert)
Spenser Rook:The functional equation for Dirichlet L-functions (William Banks)
Alexander Wittmond: (PhD in Math at MU) McMillan’s theorem and the Shannon theorems (Stamatis Dostoglou)
Spring 2019
Edward Duran: (PhD in Math at MU) Positivity of the capacity of quiver representations (Calin Chindris)
Dorsa Ghoreishi: (PhD in Math at MU) Weak Phase Retrieval and Phaseless Reconstruction (Pete Casazza)
Zhengning Hu: (PhD in Math at MU) The Chow Ring of moduli stack of hyperelliptic curves of even genus (Dan Edidin)
Shambavi Natarajan:Statistical Mechanics: Gibbs distributions and Ising model for magnets (Stamatis Dostoglou)
Eli Peake:An Analysis of Matrix Reduction by Columns and its Applications to Simplicial Homology (Jan Segert)
Spring 2018
William Allbritain: (PhD in Math at MU) A Criterion for Detecting m-regularity (Ian Aberbach)
Daniel Sinambela: (PhD in Math at MU) Asymptotic Properties of Deep Water Solitary Waves w/ Compactly Supported Vorticity (Samuel Walsh)
Spring 2017
Hakan Delibas:Counting theorems and inverse function theorems for analytic functions (Loukas Grafakos)
Rebecca Heinen: (Math Instructor at Lindenwood University in St. Charles, MO) Conformal Mappings and the Schwarz-Christoffel Transformation (Loukas Grafakos)
Lev Marshall: (Graduate program in Philosophy of Religion at the University of Illinois - Urbana-Champagne) Projective resolutions (Junwu Tu)
Josh Orrick:Entropy and Cramer’s Theorem (Stamatis Dostoglou)
Matt Weinsting: (Math Teacher) Primary Decomposition in Commutative Algebra (Dana Weston)
Fall 2016
Kyle Maddox: (PhD in Math at MU) Generic Representations of Quivers and the Saturation Conjecture for Quiver Semi-Invariants (Calin Chindris)
Summer 2016
Andrew Fish:An introduction to the Galton-Watson process (Stephen Montgomery-Smith)
Spring 2016
Alexandra Archer: (Full-time Instructor at Southwest Baptist University) Rademacher’s series for the partition function (Bill Banks)
Robert Biggs: (Academic Skills Specialist at Peru State College in Nebraska) The Classification and Structure of Locally-compact Topological Fields (Bill Banks)
Matthew McCoy:Exact Tensor Closures for Jeffery's Equation in Cartesian Coordinates (Stephen Montgomery-Smith)
Andrei Pavlichenko: (PhD in Math at MU) Persistent Homology applied to Point Clouds on a 2-dimensional Torus (Jan Segert)
Jared Stewart: (Calin Chindris)
Summer 2015
Katherine Booth: Continuum Theory, Cantor Sets, and Dimension (D. Pettey)
Spring 2015
Andreas Giannopoulos:The Peter-Weyl Theorem for Compact Groups (S. Takeda)
Scott Hiatt: Torsion Modules and Ideal Transforms (D. Weston)
Rui Zhao:Structure Theorems for Finite Free Resolutions (H. Srinivasan)
Fall 2014
Eric Christopherson: (Mathematics/Physics Instructor at North Central Missouri College) Brauer Groups and Class Field Theory (S. Takeda)
Spring 2014
Thomas Coleman: The Chow ring of a toric variety (D. Edidin)
David Jones: The Uniform Artin-Reese property in Noetherian Rings (I. Aberbach)
Michael Lambert: Undecidability of modules over k<x,y> (C. Chindris)
Andrew McCrady: Places and their Valuation Rings (D. Weston)
Fall 2013
Mazen Alhwaimel: Gaussian Polynomials and MacMahon's Theorem (Z. Qin)
Summer 2013
Ruveyda Karaman: Lambda Rings (D. Edidin)
Joshua Rio-Ross: Axiomatic Integration Theory: A Brief Acquaintance with the Daniell Integral (C. Morpurgo)
Spring 2013
Matthew Davis: The Riemann Hypothesis and Random Matrices (W. Banks)
Adelaide Quaney: A Summary of 'A Geometric Approach to Global-Stability Problems' (M. Munn)
Stephen Quinn: A Derivation of the Chao Diversity Statistic (S. Montogmery-Smith)
Maria Vasko: Groupoids and Semi-groupoids (D. Mitrea)
Fall 2012
Aaron Yeager: Results in Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory (W. Banks)
Summer 2012
Brian Thompson: Topics in Littlewood-Paley Theory and BMO (L. Grafakos)
Spring 2012
Jonathan Digby: Demonstrating a Quasi-isomorphism between the de Rham Complex and the Cech Complex Associated to a Good Cover (J. Segert)
John Hammond: Rademacher’s Convergent Series for p(n) (W. Banks)
Andrew Jensen: (S. Dostoglou)
Matthew Sealy: Jang’s Equation and the Positive Energy Theorem (A. Helfer)
Fall 2011
Shibi Vasudevan: Predicting the Orientation of Fibres Suspended in Viscous Fluid: Certain Explorations (Stephen Montgomery-Smith)
Summer 2011
Brock Schmutzler: Gravitational Collapse and the Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis (A. Helfer)
Patrick Spencer: The Nonembeddability of Lorentz Spaces into L_p (A. Koldobsky)
Spring 2011
Ryan Alvarado: Topics in Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations: Extension Theorems and Geometric Maximum Principles (M. Mitrea)
Daniel Brigham: Quasi-Metric Geometry: Smoothness and Convergence Results (M. Mitrea)
Valerie Granger: Representations of Clifford Algebras and the Spin Group (S. Wang)
Cora Marty-Farmer: An Introduction to Morse Theory (J. Segert)
Lindsey Woodland: Grassmannians and Frames (D. Edidin)
Summer 2010
Joseph Bauer: The Insolvability of Irreducible Cubics with Real Roots by Real Radicals (S.D. Cutkosky)
Josiah Roelfsema: The Frey Curve and Fermat's Last Theorem (W. Banks)
Spring 2010
Sharon Gadient: Using Dual Quaternions to Describe Motion in 3-Dimensional Space (S. Montgomery-Smith)
Ramin Rasouli: (N. Asmar)
Joel Sievert: On Maximal Fields with Valuations (S.D. Cutkosky)
Chandrasekar Vaidyanathan: Invertibility of Random Matrices (M. Rudelson)
Fall 2009
Steven Senger: (A. Iosevich)
Summer 2009
Zachariah Riel: (M. Mitrea)
Spring 2009
David Covert: (A. Iosevich)
Fall 2008
Aline Hosry:Theory of Tight Closure and its Applications (I. Aberbach)
Summer 2008
Yevgen Oleksandrovich Yampolskiy: Equivariant Chow groups of toric quotients (D. Edidin)
Spring 2008
Jenny Peters: (Math/Science Specialist, Indpendence Community College), Non-Euclidean Principal Ideal Domains (H. Srinivasan)
Dwight Thieme: Continued Fractions and Quadratic Surds (S.D. Cutkosky)
Summer 2007
Glen Day: Confromal Mapping Animations as Teaching Aids (N. Asmar)
Winter 2007
Ryan Murphy: MacMahon's Formulas on the Generating Functions of Plane Partitions (Z. Qin)
Michael Pemberton: Grobner Bases in Invariant Theory of Finite Groups (I. Aberbach)
Kevin Smith: (Technical Services, Epic Systems), Estimation of the Risk Process Through Brownian Motion (A. Tsoi)
Fall 2006
Burke McCray: Hilbert Functions, Graded Free Resolutions and Stable Ideals
Summer 2006
Samar El Hitti: A Geometric Construction of Generating Sequences
Winter 2006
Cara Bartow: Bass Numbers and Injective Dimension of Finitely Generated Modules over Noetherian Rings
Joseph Eimer: Quantum Computing and the Shor Factoring Algorithm
Sabine El Khoury: Divided Power Algebras of Graded Modules
Christopher Farmer:
Heidi Hulsizer: Free and Injective Resolutions for Modules over Noetherian Rings
Nicole Leonhard: Equal Norm Parseval Frames
Janet Sipes: Traditional and Non-Traditional Methods of Establishing Binet’s Formula for the Fibonacci Numbers
Nataliya Svyeshnikova:Magic Squares
Nicholas Wegman: (Graduate Student, Purdue University), Linear Resolutions of Stanley-Reisner Rings
Dennis Williams: Solving multivariable polynomials using Grobner Basis
Michael Williams: Applications of Line Bundles over Riemann Surfaces
Fall 2005
Andrew Hinderliter: Fixed Points
Winter 2005
Brook Adams:
Kevin Schlereth:Group law for plane cubic curves
Fall 2004
Christopher Thornhill: a-adic Completions of Noetherian Rings
Winter 2004
Robert Brieler:Line Bundles on Flag Varieties and Irreducible Representations
Summer 2003
James Ryan Brown
Winter 2003
Shannon Koons
Fall 2002
Abdulah Al-Otaibi:Carleson Measure Inequalities
Rachel Korte
Eiko Sakatoku: A maximum likelihood estimatorof k-factor GARMA model: using the wavelet packet transform
Summer 2002
Jacob Owen: Tail Distributions of Rademacher Series
Winter 2002
David Barker: Bilinear Forms
Geoffrey Diestel: Sobolev Spaces with Trivial Isometries
Angela Miller: The Rubik's Cube: Group Theory of the Anti-Slice Group
Kenneth Yan
Fall 2001
Oscar Chavez-Lopez: Borsuk's Conjecture
Summer 2001
David Arceneaux
Amy Ginn
Winter 2001
Stephen Boul
Winter 2000
Kimberly Brown
Lisa Ramsey
Winter 1999
Mark Budden
Larry Ellis
Heidi Hu
Tommy Pyle
Fall 1996
Todd McKenzie
Winter 1996
Ivan Golemovic
Summer 1995
Susan Brooks
Ronald Dickson: Recursion Formalism and Burchnall-Chaundy Polynomials for the Gelfand-Dickey Hierarchy
Nabil A. Ghanem
Winter 1995
Kelly Ballard
Marc Bledsoe
Atsushi Nakamoto
Winter 1994
Deanna G. Wasman
Fall 1993
Annela Kelly
Fall 1990
Raja Lachaal
Mark Lammers
William Valentine Accola: MAS—A Matrix Analysis System
Frank Stephen Gillespie: An Application of the Whitehead-Russell Axioms to Diophantine Analysis
Jesse Richard Pratt: Semi-Continuous Function
Nola Lee Anderson: Invariants in Four-Dimensional Space
Marguerite Lenore Zeigel
Chester George Jaeger: A Class of Surfaces Applicable to the Sphere
Faith Saunders: The Uniform Continuity Theorum and its Extensions
Georgia Edna Robinson: Theory of Approximation
Elbert Frank Allen: A Reconsideration of the Lie Theory of One-Parameter Groups
Julia Dale: Comparison of Approximation Methods
Clarence Elbert Ferguson: Surfaces Determined by Vector Differential Equations
Lena Rachel Cole: Solutions of the Differential Equation dy/dx=Q1/Q2 where Q1 and Q2 are Quadratics in x and y
Finis Omer Duncan: Riemann Surfaces for Certain Nonanalytic Transformations
Olga Larson: Indices of Correlation
Thomas Wesley Jackson: A Simple Presentation of Fourier's Series
Minnie Wilford Caldwell: A Statistical Study of the Reliability of Scale Grading
Leon Sanford Johnston: Non-Analytic Functions of a Complex Variable
Ernest Franklin Canaday: A Vector Treatment of the Projective Properties of Plane Curves
Albert Heinz: First year Mathematics Courses
Jewell Constance Hughes: Transcendentalism of Curves and of Numbers
Julia Spalding: Generalizations of Theorems from the Theory of Functions
F.D. Bruton: Errors in Graphical Methods
Charles Albert Epperson: Oscillation of Certain Sets of Orthogonal Functions
Harry W. McIntire:Conditionally Convergent Vector Series
Reuben Axel Wester: Study of the Convergence of Series in Certain Orthogonal Functions
Ruth Eversole: Collection of Graphs to Accompany Certain Topics in the Study of Function Theory of a Real Variable
Anna Christine McBride: Some New Aspects of the Galois Theory
Lester R. Ford: Pointwise Discontinuous Functions
Edward Willson Chittenden: On Integrals over Sets of Points
Walker S. Pemberton: Vectors in Four Dimensions
Eula Adeline Weeks: On Some Classes of Non-Analytic Functions of a Complex Variable
Peter Thompson Hedges: The Treatment of Irrational Numbers in the Secondary Schools
Wallie Abraham Hurwitz: Definition of Improper Groups by Means of Axioms
Sara Brewer Rabourn: Minimum Surfaces
Mary Shore Walker: On Finite Groups with Special Reference to Klein's Ikosaeder
William Henry Zeigel: On Surfaces of Constant Negative Curvature and Their Deformation
Thomas Benton Perry: Solutions of Differential Equations not Obtained by Giving Particular Values to the Constant of Integration in the General Solution
Amanda Frederick Becker: On the Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Point, the Polhode and Herpolhode of Poinsot
Truman Leigh Hamlim: Convergence of an Infinite Series
Fanny Bell Hatcher: On the Motion of a Sphere on a Rough Horizontal Plane
Louis Ingold: Geometry of Four Dimensions
Andrew Gaston Gladney: Foundation of Geometry
Robert Ryland Fleet: Singular Solutions of Differential Equations of the First Order
Carl Manford Moore: Convergence of Infinite Series
Royall Hill Switzler: On the Consideration of Some Special Points of the Calculus