Mathematics PhD Dissertations are available online from MOspace.

Summer 2024

  • Edward Duran: The Capacity of Tuples of Point Clouds and Generalized Radial Isotropy  (Calin Chindris)
  • Ivan GonzalezTopics in Combinatorial Phase Retrieval (Dan Edidin)
  • Shivam SharmaProblems in High-Dimensional Probability (Petros Valettas)
  • Derek SparriusThe Neumann Problem in Rough Domains (Steve Hofmann)

Spring 2024

  • Sean Douglas: Normed Inequalities for Fractional Derivatives (Loukas Grafakos)Spring 2024

Spring 2023

  • Thomas Hogancamp: Global Bifurcation of Anti-Plane Shear Equilibria  (Sam Walsh)
  • Zhengning HuSeveral Problems on Moduli Stacks of Hyperelliptic Curves (Dan Edidin)
  • Dillon LiskOn Toric Varieties and Toric Stacks (Dan Edidin)
  • Smita PraharajThe Asymptotic Samuel Function of a Filtration (Dale Cutkosky)

Fall 2022

  • Ian Campbell: Algorithm-Free Methods in Fusion Frame Construction (Dan Edidin and Pete Casazza)

Summer 2022

  • Navaneeth Chenicheri Chathoth: Simultaneous local resolution along a rational valuation in two dimensional positive characteristic function fields (Dale Cutkosky)
  • Jasim Ismaeel: A quiver invariant theoretic approach to radial isotropy and the Paulsen problem for matrix frames (Calin Chindris and Petros Valettas)
  • Nathapon Udomlertsakul: Partial connections and contact instantons on contact manifolds (Shuguang Wang)

Spring 2022

  • Daniel Sinambela: (Postdoctoral research associate at New York University Abu Dhabi) Global bifurcation and stability of solitary waves in two-layer water (Sam Walsh)

Summer 2021

  • Nicholas Cox-Steib: (Visiting Professor at the University of Tulsa) ?-adic Perturbations on Noetherian Local Rings (Ian Aberbach)
  • Roberto Núñez: (Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Missouri College of Engineering) Volumes of Line Bundles on Schemes (Steven Dale Cutkosky)

Spring 2021

  • Alexander Hughes: Entropy minimization, convergence, and Gibbs ensembles (local and global) (Stamatis Dostoglou)
  • Jose Luis Luna Garcia: (McKay Postdoctoral Fellow, McMaster University) Critical perturbations of elliptic operators by lower order terms (Steve Hofmann)
  • Andrei Pavllichenko Structural Features of Persistent Homology and their Algorithmic Transformations (Jan Segert)
  • Jesús Rebollo Bueno (Research Fellow, University of Texas at San Antonio) Stochastic forms of isoperimetic inequalities (Peter Pivovarov)

Fall 2020

  • Georgios Ntosidis: (Postdoctoral Fellow at Charles University in Prague) Linear and Multilinear Spherical Maximal Functions (Loukas Grafakos)

Summer 2020

  • Farah Abdelhafid: (Associate Chief Systems Analyst, Department of Science and Technology in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Iraq) Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Fluid Flow with Applications in Ophthalmology and Geoscience (Giovanna Guidoboni and Stephen Montgomery-Smith)
  • Liuyu Qin: Adam's inequality with exact growth condition on ℝn and Heisenberg Group (Carlo Morpurgo)
  • Tin Thien Tran: (Postdoctoral Associate, Florida International University) Frames with desired angle properties (Pete Casazza)

Spring 2020

  • Suprajo Das: Epsilon multiplicity for graded algebras (Dale Cutkosky)
  • Dorsa Ghoreishi: (Post Doctoral Fellow, St. Louis University) Phase Retrieval in Frame Theory (Pete Casazza)
  • Kyle Maddox: (Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Kansas) Frobenius Closure and Prime Characteristic Singularities (Ian Aberbach)

Summer 2019

  • Amineh Farzannia: (Dominican University, Chicago) Biangular Frames (Pete Casazza)
  • Hung Le: Capillary-gravity water waves with vorticity: steady wind-driven waves and waves with a submerged dipole (Sam Walsh)

Spring 2019

  • Sara Botelho-Andrade: (Postdoc at University of Denver) Applied Problems in Frame Theory (Pete Casazza)
  • Jacob Clark: (Assistant Professor at Missouri Southern State University) Shapley like values without symmetry (Stephen Montgomery-Smith)
  • Alyssa Genschaw: (Visiting Assistant Professor at University of Connecticut) Absolute Continuity of Parabolic Measure and the Initial-Dirichlet Problem (Steve Hofmann)
  • Ryan Richey: The Vanishing of the Chow Cohomology Ring for Affine Toric Varieties and Additional Results (Dan Edidin)

Summer 2018

  • Dilan Fernando: (Quantitative Analyst, US Bank) Effective Numerical Methods to Model Dynamical Behavior of Springs with Torsion (Stephen Montgomery-Smith)
  • Adisak Seesanea: (Research Fellow at Hokkaido University) Potential Theory Methods for Some Nonlinear Elliptic Equations (Igor Verbitsky)

Spring 2018

  • Desai Cheng: (Software Engineer, Classlink, Clifton, NJ) Frames and Subspaces (Pete Casazza)
  • Brett Collins: (Instructor at Fitchburg State University, Fitchburg, MA) Generalized Littlewood-Richardson Coefficients for Branching Rules of GL(n) and Extremal Weight Crystals (Calin Chindris)
  • Arpan Dutta: Generating Sequences and Semigroups of Valuations (Dale Cutkosky)
  • Melissa Emory: (Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto) On the global Gan-Gross-Prasad Conjecture for general spin groups (Shuichiro Takeda)
  • Killian Meehan: (Postdoctoral Fellow at the Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study) Persistant Homology: Categorical Structural Theorem and Stability Through Representation of Quivers (Calin Chindris and Jan Segert)

Fall 2017

  • Mazen Alhwaimel: (Assistant Professor at Qassim University) On the Euler characteristics of certain moduli spaces of 1-dimensional subschemes (Zhenbo Qin)

Summer 2017

  • Adelaide Akers: (Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Emporia State University, Emporia, KS) Large-amplitude solitary water waves with discontinuous vorticity (Samuel Walsh)
  • Nicholas H. Okamoto: (Online Course Development Specialist, MU Math Dept) Radiation Conditions and Integral Representations for Clifford Algebra-Valued Null-Solutions of the Iterated Perturbed Dirac Operator (Dorina Mitrea)
  • Shibi Vasudevan: (Postdoctoral Fellow, International Center for Theoretical Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore, India) Stability and instability results for the 2D alpha Euler equations (Yuri Latushkin)

Spring 2017

  • Victor Guo: Exponential sums, character sums, sieve methods and distribution of prime numbers (Bill Banks)
  • Andrew McCrady: (Assistant Professor at Central Methodist University) Perinormality in Polynomial and Module-Finite Ring Extensions (Dana Weston)
  • Eric Pinkham: (Technical Analyst at Applied Underwriters, Foster City, CA)  Outer Products and Frame Coefficients (Pete Casazza)
  • Thomas Polstra: (NSF postdoc at the University of Utah) Uniform bounds in F-finite rings and their applications (Ian Aberbach)
  • Stephen Quinn: Sublinear Version of the Schur Test and Weighted Norm Inequalities (Igor Verbitsky)
  • Selim Sukhtaiev: (Evans Instructor, Rice University) Topics in Spectral Theory of Differential Operators (Fritz Gesztesy and Yuri Latushkin)
  • Brian Tuomanen: (Research Scientist at IBM, Seattle, WA) Sequences of rank-1 projections and Gabor tight fusion frames (Stephen Montgomery-Smith)
  • Jianfei Xue: (Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Arizona) On Hydrodynamic Equations and Their Relation to Kinetic Theory and Statistical Mechanics (S. Dostoglou)

Fall 2016

  • Major Travis Bemrose: (Instructor at Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH) Properties of Frames and Relationships Between Them With Emphasis on Subframes and Unconditional Convergence (Peter G. Casazza)

Summer 2016

  • Xinyao Yang: (Lecturer in Mathematics at Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University, China) Stability of Planer Fronts for a Class of Reaction Diffusion Equations (Yuri Latushkin)

Spring 2016

  • Simon Bortz: (Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Minnesota) Rectifiability and Harmonic Measure (Steve Hofmann)
  • Thomas Coleman: (Data Scientist, Macy's Corporation, New York, NY) Inertial Chow Rings and a New Asymptotic Product (Dan Edidin)
  • Valerie Granger: (Assistant Professor and Director of Quantitative Literacy Center at Coker College) GIT-Equivalence and Semi-Stable Subcategories of Quiver Representations (Calin Chindris)
  • Danqing He: (Research Associate, Sun Yat-sen University) Weak Hardy spaces and paraproducts (Loukas Grafakos)
  • Daniel Kline: (Assistant Professor at College of the Ozarks) Locally Semi-Simple Quiver Representations (Calin Chindris)
  • Phi Long Le: (Postdoctoral Fellow at Syracuse University) The Dirichlet problem for elliptic and degenerate elliptic equations, and related results (Steve Hofmann)
  • Richard G. Lynch: (Visiting Assistant Professor at Texas A&M) Subsequences of frames and their operators (Peter G. Casazza)
  • Hanh Van Nguyen: (Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Alabama) Maximal Fourier Integrals and Multilinear Multiplier Operators (Loukas Grafakos)
  • Andrew Renner: A Foliated Seiberg-Witten Theory (Shuguang Wang)
  • Brock Schmutzler: (Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas) Calderon-Zygmund Theory for Singular Integral Operators Associated with Second-Order Elliptic Partial Differential Systems on Rough Subdomains of Riemannian Manifolds (Marius Mitrea)
  • Patrick Spencer: (Visiting lecturer at the University of Kentucky) Some Results in Convex Geometry (Alexander Koldobsky)

Summer 2015

  • Dat Cao:  Quasilinear elliptic equations with sub-natural growth and nonlinear potentials  (I. Verbitsky)

Spring 2015

  • Ryan Alvarado: (Assistant Professor, Amherst Collage, Massachusetts) Topics in Geometric Analysis and Harmonic Analysis on Spaces of Homogeneous Type (M. Mitrea)
  • Kevin Brewster: (Analytical Consultant, Prognos Inc, Chicago) Trace/Extension operators in rough domains and applications to partial differential equations (M. Mitrea)
  • Hesam Oveys:  (Instructor, University of Missouri) Age-dependent Branching Processes and Applications to the Luria-Delbrück Experiment (S. Montgomery-Smith)
  • Lindsey Woodland:  (Analytical Consultant, Prognos Inc, Chicago) Frames and Applications: Distribution of frame coefficients, integer frames and phase retrieval (P. Casazza)

Summer 2014

  • Chandrasekar Vaidyanathan:  On the expected value of p-norm of random matrices with heavy tails (S. Montgomery-Smith)
  • Valeria D'Orasio:  (Visiting Instructor at Framingham State University) On unimodality of Hilbert functions of Artinian level algebras of codimension 3 and type 2 and 3 (H. Srinivasan)

Spring 2014

  • Daniel Brigham:  (Head of Math Department, Smithon R-VI Public School, Smithton MO Quasi-Metric Geometry (M. Mitrea)
  • Vinh An PhamGenerating Sequences of Valuations and Applications (S. Cutkosky)
  • Soumya Deepta Sanyal: (Postdoctoral Fellow, Computer Science Department, MU) Irrational behavior of algebraic discrete valuations (S. Cutkosky)
  • Samuel Hardwick:  (Assistant Professor, Lincoln University) Results on the Collatz Conjecture (H. Srinivasan)

Fall 2013

  • Khalifa Alhazaa:  (Assistant Professor Qatar University) Counterexamples on Strichartz’s inequalities (S. Montgomery-Smith)

Summer 2013 

  • Jameson Cahill:  (Postdoctoral Fellow, Duke University) Frames and Projections (P. Casazza)
  • Nicholas Jacob:  (Assistant Professor, East Central University, Oklahoma) Limit of Many Molecules Dynamics with Rigorous Macroscopic Results (S. Dostoglou)
  • Valerian Yurov:  (Prognos Inc., Chicago) Stability estimates for strongly continuous semigroups and partly parabolic reaction diffusion equations (Y. Latushkin)

Spring 2013 

  • Jesse Peterson:  (Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Air Force Institute of Technology) Fusion Frame Constructions and Frame Partitions (P. Casazza)
  • Gregory Varner:  (John Brown University, Assistant Professor) Stochastically Perturbed Navier-Stokes System on the Rotating Sphere (S. Dostoglou)

Fall 2012

  • Andreas Heinecke:  (Research Fellow National University of Singapore)  Complemented block bases of symmetric bases and  special tetris fusion frame constructions (P. Casazza)

Summer 2012

  • Lunhao AoOn projective morphisms of varieties with nef anticanonical divisor (Q. Zhang)
  • Ana Grau de la Herran(Postdoctoral Fellow, Univeristy of Helsinki) Generalized local Tb Theorem and applications (S. Hofmann)
  • Alim Sukhtayev:  (Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University), The Evans function, the Weyl-Titchmarsh function, and the Birman-Schwinger operators, (Y. Latushkin).

Spring 2012

  • Daniel Fresen:  (Gibbs Instructor, Yale University), Geometric and nonlinear limit theorems in probability theory (A. Koldobskiy, M. Rudelson, N. Kalton).
  • Robert GastlerStatistical and Stochastic Results for Three Dimensional Fluids (S. Dostoglou)
  • Mingming Wang:   (University of International Business & Economics, Beijing China) Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance and Related Topics (A. Tsoi).
  • Elia Ziade:  (Postdoctoral Research Assistant Professor, Temple University) Topics in Non-Locally Convex Functional Analysis and Geometrical Analysis with Applications to Boundary Value Problems (M. Mitrea).

Fall 2011

  • Dany Bou Laba Bassil:  (Analytical Consultant, Prognos Inc, Chicago), Coptimal dynamic portfolio selection for a coporation with controllable risk, dividends and equity distribution policy: insurance company example (M. Taksar)
  • Sumi Seo:  (Lecturer, Northeastern University) Minimal homogeneous resolutions, almost complete intersections and Gorenstein Artin algebras (H. Srinivasan)

Summer 2011

  • Aline Hosry:  (Assistant Professor,  Notre Dame University, Lebanon ), Coefficient Theorems of Briançon-Skoda Type (I. Aberbach)
  • Mihalis Mourgoglou:  (Hadamard Postdoctoral Fellow, Univeristy of Paris-Orsay) Endpoint solvability results for divergence form, complex ellptic equations (S. Hofmann)

Spring 2011

  • David Covert (Instructor, University of Missouri), Geometric Combinatorics in Discrete Settings (A. Iosevich)
  • Mita Das (Assistant Professor, Middlesex Community College, MA) Derivatives of the Evans function and (modified) Fredholm determinants for first order systems (Y. Latushkin)
  • Benjamin Jaye:  (Postdoctral Fellow, Kent State University), Nonlinear equations with natural growth terms (I. Verbitsky)
  • Steven Senger:  (Postdoctral Fellow, University of Delaware), Explorations of the Erdos-falconer Distance Problem and Related Applications  (A. Iosevich)

Fall 2010

  • Peimin Chen:  Classical and impulse stochastic control on the optimization of the dividends for the terminal bankruptcy model and its application (M. Taksar)
  • Christopher Wesley NevansOn the theory of integer sequences (W. Banks)
  • Ryan Murphy:  A transition matrix for two bases of the integral cohomology of the Hilbert scheme of points in the projective plane (Z. Qin)

Summer 2010

  • Heidi Hulsizer:  (Assistant Professor, Hampden-Sydney College, VA), Minimal Resolutions for a Class of Gorenstein Determinantal Ideals (H. Srinivasan)
  • John Kahl:  (Lecturer Penn State University) Measures on Hilbert space and applications to hydrodynamics  (S. Dostoglou)
  • Adriano Marzullo:  (Assistant Professor Becker College, Worcester, MA) On the Periodicity of the First Betti Number of the Semigroup Rings under Translations (H. Srinivasan)

Spring 2010

  • Marco Annoni:  (Consultant, Prognos Inc, Chicago) Almost-everywhere convergence of modified Bochner-Riesz means at the critical index (L. Grafakos)
  • Jeremy Chapman:  (Assistant Professor, Lyon College, Batesville, AR): Finite Point Configurations and Projection Theorems in Vector Spaces Over Finite Fields (A. Iosevich)

Fall 2009

  • James Benson:  Mathematical problems from Cryobiology (C. Chicone)
  • Daniel Redmond:  Constructing Real Equiangular Tight Frames (P. Casazza)

Summer 2009

  • Simona Barb: Topics in Geometric Analysis with Applications to Partial Differential Equations (M. Mitrea)
  • Michael Heitzman:  (Temporary Faculty, Central Michigan Univeristy) A field theory two-body problem in gas dynamics (C. Chicone)
  • Jaewon Lee:  (Postdoctoral Fellow, Academica Sinica, Taiwan) Seiberg-Witten Invariants on Three Dimensional Manifolds with an Orientation Reversing Involution (S. Wang)

Spring 2009

  • Oksana Bihun:  (Assistant Professor, Concordia College, Moorhead, MN)  Approximate Isometries and Distortion Energy Functionals (C. Chicone)
  • Simon Cowell:  Asymptotic Unconditionality in Banach Spaces (N. Kalton)
  • Kenneth Felts:   (Assistant Professor, Columbia College) Harmonics and Excitations of Oscillators (C. Chicone)
  • Christopher Shane:  (Assistant Professor, Southwestern Oklahoma State University), Determining Uniqueness of Convex Bodies (A. Koldobsky)

Fall 2008

  • Doowon Koh:  (Assistant Professor Chungbuk National University Korea), Extensions Theorems in Vector Spaces over Finite Fields (A. Iosevich)

Spring 2008

  • Vita Borovyk:  (Visiting Faculty, University of Arizona), Box Approximation and Related Techniques in Spectral Theory (K. Makarov)
  • Samar El Hitti:  (Assistant Professor, New York City College of Technology), Algebraic Resolution of Formal Ideals Along a Valuation (S.D. Cutkosky)
  • Krishna Hanumanthu:  (Assistant Professor Chenai Mathematical Institute, India), Toroidalization of Locally Toroidal Morphisms (S.D. Cutkosky)
  • Derrick Hart:  (Hill Assistant Professor, Rutgers University), Exploration of Geometric Combinatorics in Vector Spaces Over Finite Fields (A. Iosevich)
  • Alexandru Alin Pogan:  (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota), Dichotomy Theorems and Applications (Y. Latushkin)
  • Jared Schlieper:  (Assistant Professor, Armstrong Atlantic State University), Extremal Sections of unit ball in Lorentz Sequences Space (A. Koldobsky)
  • Matthew Wright:  (Assistant Professor, Missouri State University), Boundary Value Problems for the Stokes System in Lipschitz Domains (M. Mitrea)
  • Maria-Isavella Zymonopoulou:  (Visiting Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University), Sections of complex convex bodies (A. Koldobsky)

Fall 2007

  • Elena Koucherik:  (Instructor, University of Missouri), Transference And Szego's Theorem For Measure Preserving Transformations (N. Asmar)

Summer 2007

  • Sabine El Khoury:  (Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut), A Class of Artinian Gorenstein Algebras of Embedding Dimension Four (H. Srinivasan)
  • Pei Yin:  (Wilshire Associates Incorporated), Volatility Estimation And Price Prediction Using A Hidden Markov Model With Empirical Study (A. Tsoi)

Winter 2007

  • Anna Skripka:  (Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University), Trace Formulae in Finite von Neumann Algebras (K. Makarov)

Summer 2006

  • Mikhail Ganichev:  Convergence of Greedy Algorithms in Banach Spaces (N. Kalton)
  • Qiang Shi:  (Assistant Professor, Emporia State University), Sharp Estimates of Transmission Boundary Value Problem for Dirac operators in Non-smooth Domains (M. Mitrea)
  • Maxim Zinchenko:  (Bateman Instructor, California Institute of Technology), Topics in Spectral and Inverse Spectral Theory (F. Gesztesy)

Winter 2006

  • Georgiy Arutyunyants:  (SAS), Combinatorial Methods in Harmonic Analysis (A. Iosevich)
  • James Ryan Brown:  (Assistant Professor, Georgia College and State University), Complex and Almost-complex Structures on Six Dimensional Manifolds (J. Segert)
  • Geoffrey Diestel:  (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of South Carolina), Bilinear Littlewood-Paley Theory and Square Function Estimates (L. Grafakos)
  • Tunde Jakab: (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Virginia), Parabolic Layer Potentials and Initial Boundary Value Problems in Lipschitz Cylinders with Data in Besov Spaces (M. Mitrea)
  • Cong Phuc Nguyen:  (Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University), Potential Theory and Harmonic Analysis Methods for Quasilinear and Hessian Equations (I. Verbitsky)
  • Christopher Sansing:  Directional Time-Frequency Analysis with Applications (L. Grafakos)
  • Vladyslav Yaskin:  (Associate Professor, University of Alberta at Edmonton), Applications of the Fourier transform to Convex Geometry (A. Koldobsky)
  • Maryna Yaskina:  (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta at Edmonton), Topics in Functional Analysis and Convex Geometry (A. Koldobsky)

Winter 2005

  • Vladimir Batchenko: On the Spectra of Schrödinger and Jacobi Operators with Complex-Valued Quasi-Periodic Algebro-Geometric KdV Coefficients (F. Gesztesy)
  • Dmitriy Bilyk:  (Visitor, Institute for Advanced Study), Distributional Estimates for Multilinear Operators (L. Grafakos)
  • David Cramer:  (Faculty, The Barstow School), Fredholm determinants and the Evans functions (Y. Latushkin)
  • Petr Honzik:  (Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Maximal operators associated with Fourier multipliers (L. Grafakos)
  • Tamara Kucherenko:  (Assistant Adjunct Professor, UCLA), The Absolute Functional Calculus for Sectorial Operators (N. Kalton)
  • Shangzhou Luo: (Assistant Professor, University of Northern Iowa), Filtering of hidden weak Markov chain and its applications to finance (A. Tsoi)
  • Svitlana Mayboroda:  (Associate Professor University of Minnesota), The Poisson Problem in Lipschitz Domains (M. Mitrea)

Winter 2004

  • Pierre Portal: (University of Lille), Harmonic Analysis of Banach Space Valued Functions in the Study of Parabolic Evolution Equations (N. Kalton)

Fall 2003

  • Jakub Duda:  (Senior Analyst, Pira Energy Group), Aspects of Delta-Convexity (N. Kalton)

Summer 2003

  • Mark Budden:  (Assistant Professor, Armstrong Atlantic State University), On the Local Coefficients of Principal Series Representations of Metaplectic Groups (W. Banks)

Winter 2003

  • Mark Hoffmann: (Actuary,, Topics in Complex Analysis and Function Spaces (N. Kalton)
  • Olga Kashcheyeva:  (Research Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago), Monomialization of Strongly Prepared Morphisms to Surfaces (S.D. Cutkosky)

Winter 2002

  • Erin Terwilleger Mullen:  (Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut), Multidimensional Time-Frequency Analysis (L. Grafakos)

Fall 2001

  • Shih-Chi (Jerry) Shen: The Moment Inequalities of Martingales (S. Montgomery-Smith)
  • Roman Shvidkoy:  (Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago), Operators and Integrals in Banach Spaces (N. Kalton and Y. Latushkin)

Summer 2001

  • Xiaochun Li: (Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Uniform Bounds for the Bilinear Hilbert Transforms (L. Grafakos)
  • Jorge Riviera-Noriega:  (Professor Investigador Asociado C, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos), Some Remarks on Certain Parabolic Differential Operators over Non-cylindrical Domains (S. Hofmann)

Winter 2001

  • Russell Goward:  (President and CEO, Epsilon Delta), A Simple Algorithm for Principalization of Monomial Ideals (S.D. Cutkosky)
  • Brian Hollenbeck:  (Associate Professor, Emporia State University), Best Constants for Operators Involving the Hilbert Transform (I. Verbitsky)

Summer 2000

  • Milena Stanislovova:  (Associate Professor, University of Kansas), Spectral Mapping Theorems and Invariant Manifolds for Infinite-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems (Y. Latushkin)
  • Roman Vershynin:  (Professor, University of Michigan), Representing Structures in Banach Spaces (N. Kalton)

Winter 2000

  • Jaedong Choi:  (Associate Professor, Air Force Academy, Korea), Warped Product Spaces with Non-Smooth Warping Functions (J. Beem)
  • Christina Morian:  (Associate Professor, Lincoln University, Missouri), Partial Differential Equations on Time Scales (C. Ahlbrandt)
  • Bulent Unal:  (Assistant Professor, Bilkent University), Doubly Warped Products (J. Beem)

Winter 1999

  • Andres Avila:  (Associate Professor, University de La Frontera), Stability Results for the First Eigenvalue of the Laplacian on Domains in Space Forms (M. Ashbaugh),
  • M. Ben Hadj Rhouma:  (Assistant Professor, Sultan Qaboos University), On the Continuation of Periodic Orbits (C. Chicone)
  • Lotfi Hermi:  (Visiting Faculty, University of Arizona), On the Spectrum of the Dirichlet Lapacian and other Elliptic Operators (M. Ashbaugh)
  • William Layton: Optimal Gap Conditions for the Existence of Invariant Manifolds (Y. Latushkin)
  • Atanas Stefanov:  (Associate Professor, University of Kansas), On Homogeneous Calderon-Zygmund Operators with Rough Kernels (L. Grafakos)

Fall 1998

  • Don Steiger:  Numerical n-Body Methods in Computational Chemistry (C. Ahlbrandt)

Summer 1998

  • Ronald Dickson:  Algebro-Geometric Solutions of the Boussinesq Hierarchy (F. Gesztesy)
  • Andrew Lang:  (Professor, Oral Roberts University), The Casimir Effect (A. Helfer)

Winter 1998

  • Constantin Cazacu:  (Assc Quant Strategist, ING), Twisted Sums of Orlicz Spaces (N. Kalton)
  • Kent Neurburg:  On Puiseux Series and Resolution Graphs (S.D. Cutkosky)

Fall 1997

  • Mark Lammers:  (Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Wilmington), Genus n Banach Spaces (P. Casazza)
  • Kimberly McHale:  Inequalities for Vibration and Buckling of a Clamped Plate (M. Ashbaugh)

Winter 1997

  • Craig Haile:  (Faculty, College of the Ozarks), An Upper Bound for the Second Eigenvalue of the Dirichlet Schrödinger Operator with Fixed First Eigenvalue (M. Ashbaugh)
  • Tammy Voepel:  (Associate Professor, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville), Variable Transformations for Difference Equations (C. Ahlbrandt)

Fall 1996

  • Annela Kelly:  (Assistant Professor, Roger Williams University), Weakly Analytic Vector-Valued Measures (N. Asmar)
  • Walter Renger:  (Technische Universitüt Clausthal, Germany), Limits of Soliton Solutions (F. Gesztesy)
  • Mangatiana Robdera: On the Analytic Complete Continuity Property of Banach Spaces and Convolution Operators (P. Saab)
  • Unal Ufuktepe:  (Associate Professor, Izmir University of Economics), Positive Solutions of Nonlinear Elliptic Equations in the Euclidean Plane (Z. Zhao)
  • Michael Wodzak:  (Associate professor, Viterbo University), Entire Functions and Uniform Distribution (C. Chicone)

Summer 1996

  • Min Zheng:   On Procedures for Finding the Interior Eigenvalues of Large Non-Symmetric Matrices (R. Crownover)

Winter 1996

  • Ratnam Ratnaseelan:  Trace Formulas and Algebro-Geometric Solutions of 1+1 Dimensional Completely Integrable Systems (F. Gesztesy)
  • Wilhelm Sticka:  (Assistant Professor, Southwestern Oklahoma State University), Floquet Theory for Picard-Type Systems of Differential Equations (F. Gesztesy)

Fall 1995

  • Phyllis Panman:  Weighted Norm Inequalities for the Ergodic Hilbert Transform on Locally Compact Abelian Groups (N. Asmar)
  • Gerald Teschl:  (Associate Professor, University of Vienna, Austria), Spectral Theory for Jacobi Operators (F. Gesztesy)
  • Mehmet Unal:  (University of Bahçesehir), Perturbative Oscillation Theorems (F. Gesztesy)


  • Brian Patrick Kelly:  (Assistant Professor, Bryant University), Distributionally Controlled Representations Acting on Vector-Valued Function Spaces (N. Asmar)


  • Beata Randrianantoanina:  (Associate Professor, Miami University of Ohio, Oxford), Isometries of Function Spaces (N. Kalton)
  • Narcisse Randianantoanina:  (Associate Professor, Miami University of Ohio, Oxford), On Stability of Some Properties in Banach Spaces (E. Saab)
  • Sik-Chung Tam (Associate Professor:  (University of Macau), Application of the Local Theory for Quasi-Normed Spaces (N. Kalton)


  • Kevin Easley:  (Professor, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri), Local Existence of Warped Product Metrics (J. Beem)


  • Maria Camino Leranoz:  (Universidad Pública de Navarra), Uniqueness of Unconditional Bases in Quasi-Banach Spaces (N. Kalton)


  • Michael L. Girou:  Locally H-Closed Spaces (D. Pettey)
  • Brenda Carol Bates Smith:  Some Bounded Linear Operators on the Spaces C([omega]E) and A(KE) (P. Saab)


  • Dale John Bachman:  (Associate Professor, Central Missouri State University), *-Operations and *-Spec(R) (I. Papick)
  • Carolyn Melton Eoff:  (Professor, Henderson State University), Certain Orlicz Algebras of Analytic Functions (N. Kalton)


  • Albert Truman Dixon:  (Professor, College of the Ozarks), A Polynomial Ring Localization (J. Huckaba)


  • Musbah Muftah Abedessalam:  On Banach Spaces Containing II and Linear Kelley Spaces (E. Saab)
  • Seon-Bu Kim:  (Professor, Chonnam National University), K-Jacobi Fields and Lorentzian Comparison Theorems (P. Ehrlich)


  • Dean Edwin Allison:  (Professor, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley), Lorentzian Warped Products and Static Space-Times (J. Beem)


  • Thomas George Lucas:  (Professor, University of North Carolina, Charlotte), The Annihilator Conditions Property (A) and (A C) (J. Huckaba)
  • Bruce Arlie Luxon:  (Professor and Division Director, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Iowa Healthcare), Parameter Estimation: Mathematical Modeling of Hepatic Transport Kinetics (R. Utz)
  • David A. Trautman:  (Professor, The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina), Linear Topological Properties of Non-Locally Convex Hardy-Orlicz Spaces (N. Kalton)


  • Thomas George Powell: Lorentzian Manifolds with Non-smooth Metrics and Warped Products (J. Beem)


  • Ram Prakash Kochhax: Scattering from a Porous Sphere (Roetman)
  • Ren-Tai Kuo:  (Professor, National Chung-Hsing University), Vector Measurable Functions via Stonian Spaces (Sentilles)


  • David Jerome Nolting:  Linear Multistep Methods with Near-Optimal Stability (D. Rodabaugh)


  • N. Saber Elaydi:  (Professor, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas), Preferred Sets in Topological Dynamics (Lam)
  • James M. Keller:  (Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Missouri), Topics in the Theory of Graded Rings (J. Huckaba)


  • William Carl Pickel:  Numerical Methods for Time Optimal Control of Linear Systems with Applications to Neutral Systems (M. Jacobs)


  • David Pokrass Jacobs:  (Professor, Clemson University), Some Classes of Generalized Alternative Rings (D. Rodabaugh)


  • Henry Carter Helsabeck:  The Minimal Conjugate Point of a Family of Differential Equations (Leighton)
  • George Wayne Hinkle:  The Generalized Kronecker Function Ring and the Ring R(X) (J. Huckaba)
  • Jonathan B. Mosley: Valuation Theory for Nearfields (Zemmer)
  • Ta-Keng Teng:  Transformation Groups of Characteristic 0 (Lam)


  • Paul Froeschl:  Chained Rings and Maximal Conductor Rings (Huckaba)
  • Robert Charles Hansen:  Integration-Type Operators on a Space of Analytic Functions (Crownover)
  • Jackson Neal Henry:  (Emeritus Professor, California State University at Dominguez Hills), The B Topology for W*-Algebras (Taylor)
  • Stephen E. Rodabaugh:  (Professor, Youngstown State University, Ohio), Upper Semicontinuous Decompositions of Convex Metric Spaces (Pettey)
  • Sylvester Thompson:  (Professor, Radford University), Predictor and Corrector Methods with Increased Ranges of Relative Stability (Rodabaugh)
  • Thomas G. Wallgren: (Assistant Professor, Southeast Missouri State University), Oscillation of Solutions of the Differential Equation y''+p(x)y=f(x) (Leighton)


  • William Andrew Ettling:  (Associate Professor Emeritus, Southeast Missouri State University), Arc Length in Metric Spaces (Blumenthal)
  • Seyoum Getu:  (Professor, Howard University), Generalizing Alternative Rings (Rodabaugh)
  • Mahmoud Ahmed Kishta: Generalized Indefinite and Einstein-Finsler Spaces (Beem)
  • James Richard McKinney: On Volumes of Central Sections of Convex Bodies (Petty)
  • Judith R. McKinney: Kernels of Measures on Completely Regular Spaces (Sentilles)
  • Steven Eldon Mosiman: (Professor, Loras College), Strict Topologies and Topological Measure Theory (Sentilles)
  • Raymond Edward Stockton: On Simple Totally Antiflexible Algebras (Rodabaugh)
  • James Lewis Thornburg:  Convergent Subsequences from Sequences of Functions (Schrader)
  • Suram Umamaheswaram:  Boundary Value Problems for n-th order Ordinary Differential Equations (Schrader)


  • Charles Raymond Stephens:  A Wedderburn Principal Theorem (Rodabaugh)


  • Mahesh Chandra Bhandari:  On the Classification of Simple Antiflexible Algebras (Rodabaugh)
  • James Richard Clark: On Relationships Between Coreflexive and Somewhat Reflexive Banach Spaces (Fleming)
  • James Hayden Hays:  Reductions of Ideals in Commutative Rings (Huckaba)


  • Massoud Michael Awad:  A Metric Characterization of Banach Space (Blumenthal)
  • Robert Allan Chaffer:  (Associate professor, Central Michigan University), On a Wedderburn Principle Theorem for the Flexible Algebras (Rodabaugh)
  • Michael Francis Collins:  On the Closure of Bicyclic Semigroups in Locally Compact Semigroups (Zemmer)
  • Marvin Stanford Keener:  (Professor, Oklahoma State University), On Solutions of Certain Self-Adjoint Differential Equations of Fourth Order (Leighton)
  • Thomas James Miles:  (Associate professor, Central Michigan University), A Wedderburn Decomposition for Nearly (1,1) Algebras (Rodabaugh)
  • Lanny Charles Morley:   On Veblen-Wedderburn Systems and Spread Sets (Rodabaugh)
  • William Sia Oo Kian Ke:  A Comparison Theorem: Methods for Determining Bounds for the First Conjugate Point of the Differential System y"+p(x)y=0 y(0)= (Leighton)
  • Ronald Leonard Sinzdak:  Contributions to Boolean Vector Space Theory (Zemmer)
  • Robert Francis Wheeler:  (Emeritus Professor, Northern Illinois University), The Equicontinuous Weak* Topology and Semi-Reflexivity (Fleming)


  • Elwyn Herbert Davis:  (Professor, Pittsburg State University), Nonplanar Nearfields (Zemmer)
  • Gary Douglas Jones:  Embedding of Flows (Utz)
  • Raymond Victor Morgan Jr.:  On a Generalization of Alternative Algebras (Rodabaugh)
  • Malyala Lakshmi Narayana Rao: Contributions to the Theory of Finite Translation Planes (Zemmer)
  • Fred Oliver Stroup Jr.:  On the Theory of Boolean Vector Spaces (Zemmer)


  • Clifford Harold Anderson:  Differential-difference Equations of Advanced Type (Utz)
  • Larry Wallace Davis: Nearly Antiflexible Division Algebras (Rodabaugh)
  • Russell Lee Koos: The Initial Value Problem for Non-linear Evolution Equations (George)


  • Joseph Earl Valentine:  Metric Development of Hyperbolic Geometry (Blumenthal)


  • Jimmie Lee Nelson:  Stability and Boundedness of the Solutions of Certain Second and Third Order Differential Equations (Utz)
  • Timothy Joel Robertson:  Conditional Expectation Given a Sigma-Lattice and Estimation of Restricted Densitys (Brunk)
  • Frederick Walter Wilke:  (Emeritus Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis), Loops Associated with Certain Groups (Zemmer)


  • Thomas Guy Hallam (Professor, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Asymptotic Behavior and Stability Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations (Utz)
  • Robert Elvin Williams:  Simple Near-rings and their Associated Rings (Zemmer)


  • James Walton England:  Continuous Flows on 2-cells and 2-spheres (Utz)
  • Anthony Alfred Gioia:  (Emeritus Professor, Western Michigan University), Generalized Dirichlet Products of Number Theoretic Functions (Subbarao)
  • Alan John Heckenbach:  N-systems; A Generalization of Dynamical Systems (Utz)


  • Eugene Francis Steiner:  Lattices of Topologies on Linear Spaces (Subbarac)


  • Robert Judson Bumcrot:  (Emeritus Professor, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York), A Comparative Study of Betweenness Relations in Lattices (Blumenthal)
  • Roy Fred Keller:  A Lattice Valuation for Simple and Semi-simple Algebras (Zemmer)
  • William Arthur Kirk:  (Professor, University of Iowa), A Metrization of Guass Curvature of Surfaces (Blumenthal)
  • Robert Alan Melter:  Contributions to Boolean Geometry of p-rings (Zemmer)
  • Paul Elvis Waltman:  (Emeritus Professor, Emory University), Non-linear Differential Equations of Growth (Utz)


  • Edward Ziegler Andalafte:  A Metric Characterization of Banach and Euclidean Spaces (Blumenthal)
  • George Burke:  Some Generalizations of the Glivenko-Cantelli Theorem (Brunk)
  • Neal Eugene Foland:  (Emeritus Professor, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale), Continuous Flows on Arcs and 2-cells (Utz)
  • Raymond William Freese:  (Emeritus Professor, St. Louis University), Ptolemaic Metric Spaces (Blumenthal)


  • James Fredrik Jakobsen:  Unstable Homeomorphisms and Certain Continua (Utz)


  • Billy Joe Attebery:  Some Asymptotic Properties of a Maximum Likelihood Estimator (Brunk)
  • John Homer DeHardt:  Uniform Convergence of Empiric Integrals (Brunk)


  • William Robert Abel:  Metric Properties of Metric Arcs (Blumenthal)


  • Steve Jerome Bryant:  Ordered Rings (Zemmer)


  • Charles Henry Cunkle:  Equicontinuity in Dynamical Systems (Utz)
  • Theral Orvis Moore (Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Florida, Gainesville), Metric Foundations of Elliptic 2-space (Blumenthal)


  • Joe D. Hankins:  Metric Characterizations of Elliptic n-space (Blumenthal)


  • William Lee Stamey:  (Emeritus Professor, Kansas State University), New Metric Properties of Spherical and Elliptic Spaces, Blumenthal)


  • Jerry William Gaddum Metric Methods in Integral and Differential Geometry (Blumenthal)
  • John Wesley Sawyer:  A Study of Metric Torsion (Blumenthal)



  • Leroy Milton Kelly:  (Emeritus Professor, Michigan State University), New Properties of Elliptic Space (Blumenthal)


  • Basil Early Gillam:  A New Set of Postulates for Euclidean Geometry (Blumenthal)
  • Charles Vernon Robinson:  Contributions to Distance Geometry (Blumenthal)


  • George Raymond Thurman:  The Geometry of Spheroidal Spaces Properties of Pseudo-Gk{220}, p Sets (Blumenthal)


  • Burns Winfred Brewer:  A Criterion for Solvability by Radicals in an Algebraically Perfect Field


  • Oliver Theodore Snodgrass:  Multiplicative Representations of the Elements of a Ring (Wahlin)


  • George McNaught Ewing:  A Contribution to the Theory of Discontinuous Solutions in the Calculus of Variations (Westfall)
  • Ernest Albert Hedberg:  Rings and Modular Systems (Wahlin)
  • Russell John Michel:  A Calois Theory in a Reducible Ring (Wahlin)


  • George Franklin Cramer:  Rings and Ring Ideals in a Relative Quadratic Number Field (Wahlin)


  • Marguerite Lenore Zeigel:  Some Invariant Properties of a Two-Dimensional Surface in Hyperspace (Ingold)


  • Hobart Clifton Carter:  Relation of Maschke's Symbolic Method to the Tensor Theory (Ingold)


  • Nola Lee Anderson:  An Extension of Maschke's Symbolism (Ingold)
  • Emily Kathryn Wyant:  The Ideals in the Algebra of Generalized Quarternions over the Field of Rational Numbers (Wahlin)


  • Joseph Albert Greenwood:  On the Curvatures of Certain Curves in Function Space (Ingold)
  • Ruby Usher Hightower:  On the Classification of the Elements of a Ring (Wahlin)
  • Chester George Jaeger:  On the Zeta Function in a General Cubic Field (Wahlin)


  • Finis Omer Duncan:  An Extension of the Theory of Envelopes (Ingold)


  • Lee Horace McFarlan:  Transformation of the Euler Equations in the Calculus of Variations


  • Elbert Frank Allen:  A Reconsideration of Certain Parts of the Lie Theory of One-Parameter Groups


  • Eula Adeline Weeks:  A Symmetrical Generalization of the Theory of Functions (Hedrick)


  • Louis Lazarus Silverman:  On Various Definitions of the Sum of Divergent Series