Majors have a number of choices: a Bachelor of Science degree, a Bachelor of Science with honors, a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Arts with honors or a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Emphasis in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics.

The BA requires more non-science and foreign-language courses. The BS requires more science and allows students either to take a foreign language or to substitute a foreign language alternative consisting of 12 upperclass units in an approved subject. Also, BS students may count more mathematics courses toward the degree requirements.

Both the AB and the BS require 120 credit hours, and both provide excellent preparation for graduate study or a professional career.

Graduation with honors in mathematics requires an additional advanced-level course beyond the usual requirements and either an approved course of study or an honors research project. To receive a degree with honors in mathematics, a student must have a 3.5 grade point average in mathematics courses and a 3.33 GPA overall.

Double and Dual Majors

In a double-major program, a student majors in two departments within the College of Arts and Science.

To receive a double major in both Mathematics and another discipline within the College of Arts and Sciences,  a student must satisfy the requirements of both departments. In recent years, students have majored in math and physics, math and statistics, math and chemistry, and math and economics. They have received a single diploma with both majors listed.

Under the dual-degree program, a student would major in mathematics and a subject in one of the divisions other than the College of Arts and Science, and the student would receive two degrees. The dual-major program requires a minimum of 132 credit hours. The student must satisfy the requirements for both degrees. Related areas include math education, business administration and engineering.

  • When filling out a graduation form, please fill it out completely, indicating all courses that you have either taken or plan to take for each requirement.
  • To determine if a course that you have either had or plan to take is a general education course, you may look it up in myZou, or you may check it at  This website is also searchable, so may be a good way to find general education courses.  For instance, if you want to take an anthropology course then you can see all anthropology courses that satisfy general education requirements.
  • You are not locked in to the choices that you indicate on the graduation plan.  You may make changes in your schedule provided that you fulfill the same requirements.  For instance, if you say on the plan that you will take Math 4330 as an upper level math elective, then you may take Math 4400 instead.  If you say that you will take Rel St 2110 as a depth course in Humanities, then you may take Phil 2700 instead.