Michael Pang
Professor (Retired)


1988 Ph.D., London University

1983 B.S., Imperial College, London University, Mathematics

Frequently Taught Courses

MATH 1700 Calculus II

MATH 4100 Differential Equations

Research Interests

Dr. Michael Pang's research focuses on spectral properties of linear second order elliptic operators. These include heat kernel bounds, Lp properties of singular elliptic operators, eigenfunctions of the Dirichlet Laplacians defined on regions with  fractal boundaries, elliptic operators defined on graphs, and the hot spots conjecture. Most recently he has been interested in problems related to perturbations of eigenspaces of Dirichlet Laplacians caused by perturbations of the regions.

MathSciNet Links

authored by Michael Pang

Select Publications

The  heat  kernel  of  the  Laplacian  defined  on  a  uniform  grid,  Semigroup  Forum,  Vol 78(2008), 238-252.

Stability and approximations of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the Neumann Lapla- cian, Part 3, Elect. J. Diff. Equations, Vol. 2011(2011), no. 100, 1-54.